Tools for a safe and private Internet browsing
I value privacy and security. Some tools I use to surf clean across the deep seas of the Internet: NextDNS NextDNS can be seen as a Pi-hole on the internet. I started using it back in 2019 and never looked back. I use it to automatically block many different domains that are related to Ads, Malware, Tracking, Mining and other type of threats. It also provides analytics and logging, so you can find out where your spysmartphone is trying to talk besides your apps/browsing.Brave Browser I move...
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Useful Kubernetes One-liners
This post has some useful kubectl commands that might make your life easier managing k8s clusters. I will keep this post updated when I come across something interesting to add :) Get all pods in a non-running state: kubectl get pods --field-selector=status.phase!=Running -A Launch a network troubleshooting shell: kubectl run -it --image nicolaka/netshoot troubleshooter Force the restart of deployment pods: kubectl rollout restart deployment yourdeploymentname Check nodeskubectl get no...
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